Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post #10

In “Little Kids…Big Potential”, Mrs. Cassidy made a video with her students using technology in the classroom setting. They are already using blogs in the elementary school class. They have their own class webpage that already has safe search, which allows the students to look up anything education wise. The can access their class webpage at school and at home. In the classroom they use blogger, wikis, skype, and their Nintendo DS. With all these tools that Mrs. Cassidy has provided her students, they now can collaborate, share, and learn inside and outside the classroom.,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNE2lA_KA7FcCe-vNL8K2nQr500fIg&ust=1427769486476329
In Interview with Kathy Cassidy Part 1, she explains how she got her start using technology and ways to use it effectively. Her number one rule is to protect her student’s identity. When one of her student’s blog they only use their first name and with no picture connected with the name. Mrs. Cassidy likes when her students use blogs because it allows them to get an opinion of their writing that is not from the teacher.

In Interview with Kathy Cassidy Part 2 along with Interviewwith Kathy Cassidy Part 3, she explains how far technology has come and where you should start using technology for yourself. One of the points she made was for students that want to become teachers should start using their own network like twitter. She gave wonderful tips for future educators coming into an education system that’s technological-advanced. Technology is going to get more advanced and we as teachers need to embrace it and teach our students how to use technology more effectively.   


  1. Great post! I really liked learning about all the younger kids using technology. It really is true that it can be beneficial at all ages. It is definitely something that we, as teachers, should embrace.
