Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blog Post #11

In Mr. Crosby’s’ video, “Back To The Future”, he talks about strategies to help students who are at-risk learn effectively through Project Based Learning. He gets the students full participation by letting them crush cans and by sending balloons to the atmosphere. Effective learning can incorporate activities the students will enjoy and using more hands on time.  In Mr. Crosby’s classes, whenever students have an activity they embed their videos of their learning into their own blog.

In the Video “Blended Learning Cycle”, by Paul Anderson, he talks about this blended learning that is based on online experience, classroom experience, and mobile experience. Then he explains the learning cycle which incorporates the 5 E’s: engaging, exploring, explaining, expanding, and finally evaluating. With these concepts the Blended Learning Cycle is created. Anderson uses the acronym QUIVERS to explain his blended learning cycle.
Qu- Question
I- Investigation
V- Video
E- Elaboration
R- Review
S- Summary

For one to become a Super Digital Citizen, one must use the internet safety, respectfully, and responsibly. This teacher teaches his students on why it is important to be safe on the internet. He states that it is everyone’s responsibility to become a Super Digital Citizen. His students have to create their own superhero and create a comic book story line that helps them get out of unsafe situations on the internet.,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNGploIiP-8xpkhJaOHvmzSdu91p7g&ust=1428355554569557In the video “Project Based Learning”, one Canadian School combined English, History, and computer class. It has allowed to students to go more in-depth with their material in project based learning. The three teachers explain how they were allowed to combine class a make project based learning happen.

In Roosevelt Elementary’s PBL program, it is explained how project based learning is encouraged. PBLs allow the students to go more in-depth with the topics. In the video the teacher gives her own definition of project based learning and incorporates thematic instructions into real-world problem solving skills into the classroom. The parents of the students really like the idea of project based learning because it allows the students to become more engaged and helps them with social skills. 


  1. I think you did a great job summarizing all the key elements of each of these videos. I think that one of the key factors in all of these is the idea of engagement in students. You picked up on all of that through the videos and information. Engagement is key for us to know as future educators because it allows us to think of more creative ways to make students want to learn and care more about their education. This is an overall great post.

  2. Hi Micheal! You the a good job summarizing the key point in each video. Overall you did a great job.
